1: Rules: Will be interpreted by the tournament directors and all decisions are final. Knowledge of these rules are the contestant’s responsibility. Failure to read the rules or ignorance of the rules is no excuse and could result in disqualification. There will be no refund of any money paid for disqualification. All state fishing and GRDA boating regulations shall apply.
2: Check-In: Begins at 5:00am. Every team must report to the tournament officials at the registration desk and Check-In before departure. At Check-In each team will be issued a boat number tag. Only one member from each team must be present at Check-In.
3: Departure: 6:30 am.
4. Weigh-In: 3:30pm. All teams must return their issued boat number tags to the Check-In board prior to weigh-in. Failure to turn in an issued boat number tag will result in disqualification.
5: Trailering: Teams that trailer may only trailer to public ramps that are accessible to and from the main lake. Loading and launching at another ramp multiple times is permitted.
You may not use a private ramp that another angler cannot use. You may not trailer to an area that you cannot access safely by boat, from the host marina on the main lake. You may launch from any Public Ramp anytime before the official start time. However, all teams are required to remain within 100-yards of the Public Ramp launched from until the
official start time.
6: Sportsmanship: All entrants must follow high standards of sportsmanship, safety, and conservation at all times. Displays of poor sportsmanship and bringing unfavorable publicity to
the tournament shall be grounds for disqualification. If one team member is disqualified, the team shall be disqualified.
7. Protests: All protests must be submitted in writing prior to the official closing of the scales.
8. Polygraph: All contestants are subject to polygraph testing. The tournament directors may randomly select a team in the top five (5) for polygraph. Any team selected, and not present for testing will forfeit their prize. Exceptions to this rule must be approved by the tournament directors. Failure to submit to and pass is grounds for disqualification. Any contestant who has failed a polygraph test for cheating or has been disqualified for cheating in a bass tournament will not be eligible to compete. Polygraph testing is at the discretion of the tournament directors. If one team member fails the polygraph, the team will be disqualified.
9: Live Well Check In: All contestants must have their live wells checked by tournament staff to be eligible to fish. Live wells will be checked at the registration desk prior to entering the water, if you arrive by water please make sure you find a tournament official and get your live wells checked. A ribbon will be tied to the contestants trolling motor so that they can be
identified while on the water. Any team failing to get their live wells checked will be disqualified.
10: Scoring: Will be based on a five (5) fish stringer. Length will be a minimum 14-inch limit. A courtesy board will be made available for use prior to weigh-in. Short fish brought to the weigh-in will result in disqualification (It is unlawful to possess a Bass shorter than 14-inch). Official tournament board will be the golden rule. Only Largemouth, Smallmouth and Kentucky Bass will be accepted. Only five fish can be brought to the weigh-in. Anymore will result in disqualification. Dead fish Penalty will be 1-pound per dead fish brought to the weigh-in (no exceptions). Cull immediately only (5) fish are allowed in the live well. At least one team member must be present to witness the weigh-in. All fish will be weighed on official tournament scales. Weigh staff will accept only those fish brought to scales in the tournament provided bags.
11: Tackle & Equipment: Only artificial baits and lures. No trolling. All fish must be caught on rod and reel and landed from the contestant’s boat.
12: Permitted Fishing & Location: Will be anywhere on the designated lake unless specified before the tournament begins. No fishing permitted within 50-feet of another contestant’s boat. This will be enforced. There should be no need to encroach on another boat. No fishing within 50-feet of any gas or commercial dock. No fishing is allowed from a private or public
dock, as contestants must remain in their boat during the tournament except for emergencies. All fish must be caught on the day of the tournament and on the tournament lake.
13: Boats, Moats & Equipment: No horsepower restrictions. Boat must be coast guard approved. Life jackets and kill switches must be in place when the boat is on plane.
14: Money Ties: In case of a tie the winner will be the team with the most fish. If the tie continues then the team with biggest fish will win. If the tie still exists then the winner will be determined by a coin toss.
15: Mail-In Cut Off Date: Postmarked by 7-days before tournament date.
16: Late Entries: Late entries will be accepted at the ramp with a $10 late fee penalty. 100% of late fees will go to the D.A.R.E. Program. Late entry penalties must be paid in cash.
17: Cancellation & Rescheduling: Tournament directors reserve the right to cancel or reschedule the tournament due to weather, safety or unforeseen reasons. All prepaid entries will be returned if the tournament is cancelled. If the tournament is rescheduled, pre-paid entrants will be automatically re-entered, or upon them communicating their intent to
withdraw will receive a full refund.
18: Release: All Participants must sign a tournament release (provided) before the fishing tournament. It is also considered permission to use any statements, photographs or other matter to be published in magazines or other publications. By signing the entry and release form you are agreeing to release the Bartlesville Masonic Lodge #284 and Dewey Masonic
Lodge #466, all sponsors and the Grand Lake Authority from all liabilities or claims.
19: Alcohol & Drugs: No alcohol or illegal drugs will be permitted during the tournament hours or during weigh-in. Therefore any use of alcohol or illegal drugs during the tournament hours or during the weigh-in will result in immediate disqualification.
PayPal is optional for your convenience. Since this is for charity the PayPal fee has been added to the total.Â